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Black Canyon Middle School Handbook


  • Black Canyon Middle School

    4949 E 1st St
    Idaho Falls, ID 83401

    Main School Phone: (208) 525-4448
    Fax: (208) 525-4449

    Mr. Gene Smith, Principal

    Mr. Drew Chapple, Assistant Principal

    Mrs. Cassie Romander, School Secretary
    Mrs. Bekah Brinkerhoff, Attendance Secretary
    Mrs. Becky Briggs, Counseling Secretary

    Ms. Jodie Huber, 7th Grade Counselor
    Mrs. Karen Peck, 8th Grade Counselor
    Mr. Lloyd Becker, Social Worker

    Mrs. Rachel Holdaway, Bookkeeper

  • You Need to Have a Plan!

    This course description handbook will be helpful in understanding the required courses for 7th and 8th grade at Black Canyon Middle School and the expectations for success as a student. In this booklet, you will find information about school policies, courses, and policies about middle school and how to progress to high school.

    Be a Part of the Storm

    Black Canyon Middle School Mission
    We are here to ensure ALL students grow academically, socially, and emotionally.

    Black Canyon Middle School Vision
    We aspire to be a school where every student will grow academically, socially, and emotionally to master grade level essential standards. We understand that each of us must be committed to designing student growth by working collaboratively and deliberately to reach common goals. To accomplish this we will be a school where every person feels safe, cared for and connected. A school where students, staff and families are excited to come back.

    This Course Description Handbook is not meant to be a contract between the District and students. It may be amended at any time. It is a place to describe the content of courses that may be offered at Black Canyon Middle School. 

  • Important Middle School Policies

    The Middle School Task Force was created in May 2007 to examine middle school issues in relationship to the Idaho High School Redesign efforts. The goals of the task force were to ensure all students are prepared to be successful in high school through increased academic achievement, a relevant and rigorous curriculum, and student accountability. Through the work of this committee, the 2010 Idaho State Legislature established state law that requires each district implement a credit system beginning no later than 7th grade. In order to be in compliance with state law, the Bonneville School Board adopted the following policy on March 10, 2010:


    Moving ahead to the next grade level and/or high school is not automatic and must be earned through successful completion of the District’s middle school program. Therefore, middle school students shall be required to demonstrate competence in all subject areas prior to transitioning to the next grade and/or high school. Regular attendance is also required. Any student not meeting competency and/or attendance standards will be required to follow an improvement plan and/or strategic interventions designed to prepare him/her for success at the next level of study.


    1. Seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) grade students are required to meet the following by the end of the school year.
      1. Attain 80% of the total credits attempted.
      2. Earn a passing grade for at least two (2) grading periods in each of the classes attempted.
      3. Have no more than six (6) absences per trimester.
    2. Middle school staff will determine and implement appropriate interventions designed to assist students academic achievement.
  • Middle School Education Plan

    The table below will help parents and students have a plan for middle school and beyond. Students should use these tables to create a schedule that is meaningful for their future and assure completion of required classes. Advisory is a 10-minute class at the beginning of each Monday. It is scheduled for all students. Activities for Advisory include: working with students on goal-setting, character development, career development, school announcements, silent sustained reading and assemblies.

    7th Grade Students Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
    Language Arts 7 X X X
    Pre-Algebra 7 OR Algebra I X X X
    World History 7 X X X
    Life Science 7 X X X
    Elective (First) - P.E. 1 is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters.      
    Elective (Second) - P.E. 1 is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters.      


    8th Grade Students Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
    Language Arts 8 X X X
    Pre-Algebra 8, Algebra I OR Geometry X X X
    World History 8 X X X
    Earth Science 8 X X X
    Elective (First) - Teen Wellness is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters.      
    Elective (Second) - Teen Wellness is required as one of the electives during one of the trimesters.      


Course Descriptions
Traditional High Schools
Bonneville Online High School
Lincoln High School
Technical Careers High School
Black Canyon Middle School
Praxium Mastery Academy
Rocky Mountain Middle School
Sandcreek Middle School