Bonneville School District Energy Conservation Program
Why do we need Energy Conservation Management?
In a nutshell, utility bills are the second largest expense for our school district. In the spring of 2009, the services of Energy Education Inc. were contracted to help develop and implement a people-based conservation program with guaranteed minimum energy savings and the promise of more savings. As of December 31, 2024 we have saved over $13,075,000 dollars. That is a 39.8% reduction in utilities!
Energy Conservation Mission Statement
*All employees can effectively prepare future generations to live and work productively in our world. One way to prepare our students is by “modeling the behavior,” in this case by reducing energy bills.
*By keeping operating costs down, Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 can provide a safe and comfortable environment for learning while reducing wasted energy usage and conserving natural resources.
*BJSD93 is committed to decreasing energy consumption and anticipates a team effort from all employees to be “energy savers.”
*All monies saved in energy conservation are available for use in schools, classrooms and keeping programs running.
Energy Conservation Management Plan
All staff should help conserve energy by following these simple guidelines:
The pennies, nickels and dimes that we each save can amount to huge potential savings when we consider ourselves part of a very large team. The potential district-wide cost avoidance for classroom HVAC and activities amounts to over $500,000 per year. So, how can I impact the district energy consumption in my classroom? Read on...
Energy Conservation Specialist & Program Implementation:
Audit all district-owned facilities during all hours day and night to determine where energy - and money - can be saved.